Friday, October 23, 2009

Life always has something to teach me... and so does weaving

OK, today I finally got the warp on, and I thought I knew what I was doing.... oh sure ...

One more time, I find I am merely a student of life. Yes, I will learn the rules should not be broken. Rule number one: plan. Rule number two: follow a plan. Rule number three: do not ignore the logical sequential steps to a plan.

Determine your weave, Determine how much yarn/thread needed for project, Determine your needed heddles and on which shafts, Measure Your warp, count your heddles needed on the loom, on each shaft...

And then proceed thoughtfully.

I jumped to the proceed first. I did at least meaasure the warp.

I also learned the great value of a warping [addle and what happens when you fail to use it. And they I discovered the use of a comb. But I know ther is a better way.

I am tired.... time to meditate and find a good book... more tomorrow.


1 comment:

  1. Weaving has made me a far more patient person and far more resilient to any readjustments I might have to do, which are usually many! I look forward to visiting your blog!
